
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Natural Cures for GERD

Strict discipline is a must if natural cure is preferred for GERD. There are basic things that do not require daily medication. A change in the way of eating and  clothes worn will help. One such way is to change eating habits from regular big meals to  small frequent meals. This  enables the stomach to digest the food smoothly and prevents hyperacidity. Large meals may trigger the stomach to produce more acid.

In terms of clothing, GERD patients should wear loose and comfortable clothes. Though tight clothes are trendy, they press the stomach causing  heartburn. It is good to get rid of tight-fitting clothes  while still suffering from the symptoms of GERD as there will be no use for them. Obese GERD patients should also exercise to lose weight. Exercise does not need to be extensive and tiring. Simple brisk walking for few minutes will do; finding natural cures for GERD is not difficult.

There are appropriate ways of sleeping which will minimize the occurrence of heartburn. GERD patients should know the basics. It is advised not to go  to bed right after eating dinner. There must be at least three hours interval before going to sleep. This interval will give time for the stomach to digest the food. Another way is to keep the bed  elevated with pillows which are placed just below the head. This will ease the discomfort of heartburn at night time as  heartburns are felt more often while lying down to sleep.

Be vigilant on the food you are about to eat. Over-consumption of  carbonated and caffeinated drinks triggers GERD. Each GERD patient must secure their own list of foods to avoid. Acidic, spicy and fatty foods are the most common triggerfactors of GERD and may   worsen the condition. The long list would include fruits namely, orange, citrus and lemons. Chocolates have higher cholesterol level and is included on the list as well. Caffeinated drinks like coffee, cola, soda and tea contributes to the acidity of the stomach. Fatty foods include fried fish, chicken or pork and should be avoided. Have them cooked grilled or roasted instead.

Some herbal medicines -  a natural way of curing GERD, are readily available over-the-counter. Most GERD patients prefer to take these herbal substitutes  since they are a lot cheaper, effective, have no side effects and containno harmful ingredients. Herbal medicines are proven to alleviate and control the acidity of the stomach. Some herbal medicines soothe the inflammation inside the intestines and relax the nerves. Heartburn is oftentimes relieved  with the use of  herbal medicines.

Ginger roots, herbal liquorice and German chamomile are boiled to squeeze their extracts. Cumin, baking soda, lemon balm and skim milk are then mixed with a glass of water. The mixture may be given to GERD patients. Meadows sweet tea and Aloe Vera juice are also effective drinks for GERD patients and may be consumed without limit as long as the patient feels better.

Glutamine containing food reduces the acidity of the stomach and inflammation. Patient may chew fennel seed to reduce spasms inside the stomach. Apple cider vinegar is also proven to be effective - a mixture of a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and  a glass or water will do. GERD patients must also take extra caref when  taking herbal products, making sure there is no  over-dosage. However, there are patients that who are allergic to the components of a particular herb. GERD patients must know if they have allergic reactions to what herbal components.

1 comment:

  1. More and more people are choosing natural ways to cure the burning of gerd. There are too many side effects with the medications available today.
